After 20 minutes had passed and still no Dr. Laudi, I said "See! I wasn't late at all."
"You know why he's late, don't you?" Mark said without looking up from his phone. "He's looking at the PET results."
"Dragging his feet?" my mom ventured. "Celebrating? Crying?"
Mark slipped into an Italian accent, "Oh, no, I have killed her!"
Bad taste? I guess so. Tempting fate? Maybe. But this is a long and winding road and we all were laughing when Dr. Laudi walked in with what appeared to be red eyes.
"There appears to be progression." he said, signing into the computer and bringing up the scans from 3 months ago, 2 months ago and last week. Three months ago, the only active area was L4. Two months ago, L4 was slightly smaller with 2 small spots in my liver. Last week, the liver spots were nearly gone, L4 was smaller, but there were 2 new spots under my left arm. I remembered to show Dr. Laudi the rash I have been doctoring in my left antecubital that was thought to be a viral infection, but was spreading. After some thought, Dr. Laudi wanted to biopsy the skin rash and the lymph nodes under my arm. One or both could be cancer cells, even though the known cancer cells were being killed by the chemo, these cells could have mutated. Dr. Laudi hoped if they had the cells were now HER-2 +, because there were some promising new treatments out there. It was possible that my skin rash and lymph nodes were part of an infectious process and not cancer at all.
Here we go...
Skin biopsy time |
Emla- a cream that numbs the skin |
Skin Rash |
Doing the Punch Biopsy |
The next day |
Here I am modeling a Breast Center top |
Lymph node biopsy gear |
Biopsy cells |
Please aim prayers right here.
Thank you!